Rigby & Rigby featured in GQ Australia

Rigby & Rigby’s Project SW7 052 was recently profiled in GQ Australia who cited the glass-walled lift as “one garage to rule them all.”

GQ describe the car-lift which “can be a reality for any who wish to display their automotive possessions with a sense of panache and fiction”. The car stackers have become increasingly popular in London where there is a lack of parking spaces. This ingenious way of storing a car in a small, mews property enables a car to be stored practically and presented as artwork. They increase the number of cars parked within a property and, through number-plate recognition, deliver the car of your choice at the touch of a button.

GQ continues by highlighting that “The Interior is aimed to evoke a sense of minimalism and industrial style. A bespoke lighting scheme further illuminates the car as a centrepiece—creating a dramatic work of art. This is made possible by Rigby & Rigby's intent to tailor a vertical garage to suite its architectural surroundings, whilst the finished product is bespoke, it all begins with the bespoke consultation in the beginning.”

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